Regulated Tariffs, Interconnection Capacity and Hydropower Concessions: European Commission Asks France to Take Action
On 29 May 2013 , the European Commission presented its recommendations to address the financial and economic situation in several Member States of the EU. Among the country-specific recommendations (CSR) presented by the European Commission on 29 May 2013, it is worth noting some of the measures proposed in the energy sector in exchange of granting delays for correcting national deficits. The package is based on the adoption of a new strategy for growth and jobs, Europe 2020, in 2010, which includes "guidelines" for Member States' economic and employment policies. This was supplemented in June 2012 by the adoption of a Compact for Growth and Jobs. The monitoring of Member States' performance was then operated through the Annual Growth Survey, the Alert Mechanism Report and in-depth reviews. The following paragraphs take the particular example of France . The recommendation for a Council Recommendation on France's 2013 national reform programme ( COM(...