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Showing posts from March, 2010

The World's Biggest Windmill Will Be Built in Norway

An article (in French) by this blog's author relates and details the news for Bulletins in their March 2010 issue. Full text available here: " La plus grande eolienne au monde sera construite en Norvege ", by Catherine Banet for BE. Picture : SWAY AS.

EFTA Surveillance Authority Backs the Increase of the Norwegian Energy Fund for 2010

The Surveillance Authority of the European Free Trade Area ( ESA ) has given today its approval to the increase of the Norwegian Energy Fund for 2010 by not raising objections. The decision, which is not yet available, is based on the Guidelines for environmental protection . The Fund had been previously approved by ESA for the period 2006-2010. Hopefully, the decision will be available soon (after confidentiality check) and commented on this blog. In the meantime, the justification of the budget increase is, as presented by ESA, the following: "The budget increase involves the allocation of NOK 365 million which represents interest generated by a capital injection of NOK 10 billion into a fund (Grunnfond for fornybar energi og energieffektivisering) set up in order to provide a stable source of financing of the energy fund. " ENOVA is operating the Fund, which is dedicated to the support of actions in favour of renewable energies, renewable heating and energy savings. It...

Forthcoming International Legal Symposium on Carbon Capture and Storage

On 15-16 March 2010 will be held the Global Legal Symposium on Carbon Capture and Storage . The event is co-organised by University College London (UCL) , Carbon Capture Legal Programme (CCLP), and the New York University School of Law , and will take place at the NYU School of Law, Vanderbilt Hall, New York, USA. The Symposium will cover the following issues under two perspectives : 1/ Comparative analysis of CCS regulation: Legal issues associated to capture technologies; CO2 transportation for storage; The regulation of CO2 storage; 2/ Cross-cutting issues and the future of CCS regulation: Introductory session for the IEA Model CCS Legal & Regulatory framework: Aims and objectives; Regulation of CCS finance and role of market mechanisms - with a presentation of the present blog's author -; Public participation in decision making: legal and policy constraints; Interactive session: Discussion of objectives and model and more detailed presentation of the IEA framework. Furth...

Two Additional US States Have Selected their Compliance REC Tracking System

APX to manage two additional compliance REC tracking systems One could read this morning on the Green Power Network website that two additional state public utilities commission, in Missouri and North Carolina, had selected APX Inc. as their tracking system for renewable energy certificates (RECs) (decisions adopted in January and February 2010 respectively). APX will provide registry services to the two tracking system, for compliance purposes, under respectively the North American Renewables Registry (NARR) and the North Carolina Renewable Energy Tracking System (NC-RETS). Details about the two compliance systems In North Carolina , the system will work as follows: " NC-RETS will track each North Carolina electric power supplier's compliance against its individual statutory requirement, and its contribution toward the statewide aggregate requirements for energy supplied by swine and poultry waste resources. NC-RETS will also track each electric power supplier's use o...