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Showing posts from February, 2013

"Smart strøm trenger smarte forbrukere" (Innlegg i Energi & Klima nettmagasinet)

Les mitt innlegg om innføring av "smarte strømmĂ¥lere" og hvordan vil forbrukerne reagere i Energi & Klima nettmagasinet: " Norske forbrukere fĂ¥r bedre tid til Ă¥ venne seg til smarte mĂ¥ele, men hvor aktive og interesserte vil vi være? Siste mandag ble det kunngjort at Norge utsette utrullingen av Avanserte MĂ¥le- og Styresystemer (AMS) ... " Les resten av innlegget her:

February EU Infringement Package: Signs of "Getting to 2014" in Completion of the Internal Energy Market?

Ensuring Implementation Lithuania has now joined 10 other EU Member States that still have not communicated national measures aimed to transpose the provisions of the Electricity Directive 2009/72/EC and the Gas Directive 2009/73/EC under the Third Energy Package . Deadline for full transposition was 3 March 2011 . (Reference: MEMO/13/122 , 21.02.2013) Lithuania received this February a reasoned opinion  which is the second stage in the infringement procedure , after the sending of formal letter. In total, 15 Member States have received a reasoned opinion from the Commission on the matter. 6 of them have been referred to the European Court of Justice, which is the next stage of the infringement proceeding procedure (see press release of 24 January 2013 , announcing that Bulgaria, Estonia and the UK had been referred to the Court by the Commission). For 5 of the original 15, the Commission decided to close the case. The press release from the Commission does not detail...

Offshore Safety in Oil and Gas Sector: Political Agreement between the EU Parliament and the Council

The European Parliament and the Council reached on 21 February 2013 a political agreement on the legislative proposal on safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities (COM(2011) 688 final).  For a description of the initial proposal, see previous post here . For a short overview of the agreement text, see press release from the European Commission ( IP/13/149 ). Shortly put, the main elements of the agreement are as follows: A directive  it will be. The Commission initially proposed a regulation (directly binding), but the final text takes the form of a directive which allows more flexibility in transposition for the Member States in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity. It will allows keeping some national approaches to offshore safety already in place. Licensing - Only operators with proven technical and financial capacities will obtain a license. Public participation must be ensures before the start of t...

Norway Announces 2-year Delay in Deployment of Advanced Metering System (AMS). New deadline: 1.1.2019

The Norwegian Ministry of Oil and Energy announced on 18 February 2013 that it will delay the deployment of smart metering, also called advanced metering system (AMS) for 2 years until 1 January 2019 . Full AMS-deployment delayed until 2019 In the letter, the Ministry describes the process as " huge and demanding " for many actors. Grid companies have facing many challenges of different natures when complying with their new obligations, and the Ministry estimates that they need better time to secure good processes . Therefore the Ministry is officially asking the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), the energy regulator, to prepare the necessary amendments to the currently binding Regulations on AMS and replacing the former deadline of 1.1.2017 by the one of 1.1.2019 . Nothing prevents distribution companies to implement the scheme earlier, notes the Ministry. NVE must send its comments and proposals for amendments by 15 March 2013 . More tran...

Elsertifikater: "Oppdrag kontrollstasjon 2015" for NVE

Olje- og energidepartementet har gitt oppdrag til NVE Ă¥ utarbeide grunnlag for den første kontrollstasjonen under det felles elsertifikatmarkedet mellom Norge og Sverige  som skal komme i 2015. Datoen er fastsatt i traktaten mellom de to landene om et felles marked. Kontrollstasjonen er anledning for de to landene til Ă¥ vurdere sammen, pĂ¥ en offisiell mĂ¥te, hvordan markedet fungerer og hvorvidt det samlet mĂ¥let av 26,4 TWh ny elproduksjon basert fornybare energikilder i 2020 blir nĂ¥dd. NVE har blitt bedt Ă¥ utarbeide grunnlag pĂ¥ 5 temaer : 1. teknisk justering av kvotekurven 2. beregningsrelevant mengde elektrisk energi 3. prespektiver for tilgang av prosjekter under elsertifikatordningen 4. utformingen av kvotekurven 5. avgift for manglende annullering av elsertifikater Denne nyheten blir utvidet. Kilde : NVE pressemelding , 11.02.2013.

European Commission Consults on Structural Options to Strengthen the EU ETS (until 28 February 2013)

With record low prices for CO2 emission allowances and difficult discussions at the European Parliament on the issue of backloading, it is more than crucial that external signals are sent. The European Commission holds a public consultation until 28 February 2013 which has for purpose to gather comments on the report "The state of the European carbon market in 2012" (COM (2012) 652 final of 14.11.2012), and inputs as to the structural changes required for the survival of the market (following the options defined in the report). The report serves itself as consultation document. The 2012 report was a mandatory task for the purpose of evaluating the functioning of the EU ETS and the need for regulatory action (see Article 29 of Directive 2003/87/EC) as phase 3 starts in 2013. The market has experienced a surplus due to increasing supply of allowances and international credits (surplus of 955 million allowances in early 2012 ). The economic recession and budgetary cr...