Public consultation: Evaluation of the European Agency for the Cooperation of the Energy Regulator (ACER) (18.09.2013)
The European Commission opened on 18 June 2013 a public consultation on the working methods and results achieved so far by the European Agency for the Cooperation of the Energy Regulator (ACER) , established in accordance with Regulation (EC) 713/2009 of 13 July 2009 . ACER was officially established in March 2011 and has its headquarters in Ljubljana, Slovenia . The background for the public consultation is further defined in the Commission's text for the public consultation: The Agency was established in order to fill in the regulatory gap, with the purpose to assist national regulatory authorities, and, if necessary to coordinate their actions, in order to enhance their cooperation at the EU level. ACER plays a central role in the development of EU-wide network and market rules with a view to create a single Internal Energy Market. It coordinates regional and cross-regional initiatives which favor market integration. The Agency monitors the work of European netw...