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Showing posts from March, 2015

Remarks on the European Council Conclusions on Energy Union of 19 March 2015

On 19 March 2015 , the European Council reached conclusions on the strategy for the Energy Union , newly presented by the European Commission on 25 February 2015  (see previous post and comments ). The text is a broad endorsement of the general policy lines contained in the strategy, with a slightly re-arranged priority order.

Reduced taxation on fossil fuels: easy and powerful tool to restore balance between consumers. Recent EU decision on differentiated rates in the UK

In a recent decision adopted by the Council on 2 March 2015 , the United Kingdom has been authorised to apply reduced levels of taxation on gas oil and unleaded petrol which are supplied as motor fuel to road vehicles .   The measure, proposed by the UK, examined by the European Commission and backed by the Council, aims to restore the balance for local fuels consumers faced with higher prices than the rest of the UK consumers . As explained in the decision, " the price difference is due to additional per unit costs induced by the geographic location of those areas, their low population numbers and the delivery of relatively low volumes of fuel ."   This decision is taken in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of Directive 2003/96/EC on the taxation of energy products and electricity . Under that provision, certain criteria for the granting of exemption are set, such as conformity with the functioning of the internal market, the need to ensure fair comp...

Kommentar: "Fra ambisjon til pragmatisme: EU-kommisjonens strategi for energiunionen" (i Energi og Klima Nettmagasinet)

  "Etter flere mÃ¥neder med mye spekulasjoner, avveininger og forhandlinger la endelig EU-kommisjonen frem sin rammestrategi om energiunion 25. februar 2015. Mange forventet et visjonært verk. Det endte med en pragmatisk tiltakspakke som nÃ¥ utgjør Kommisjonens arbeidsprogram for de fem neste Ã¥rene. Selv om EØS/EFTA-landene ikke er omfattet av EUs felles energi- og klimapolitikk som sÃ¥dan, er realiteten at den nye strategien er av stor betydning for Norge." Les hele min kommentar pÃ¥ Energi og Klima Nettmagasinet HER .