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Showing posts from June, 2015

Dutch Court rules that the Dutch state must take further action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Urgenda vs. the State of The Netherlands)

Here is a link to today's decision from The Hague District Court in case Urgenda Foundation vs. the State of The Netherlands . The Court ruled that the Dutch state "must" take more action to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in The Netherlands . The operative part of the decision states that: THE RULING The court: 5.1. orders the State to limit the joint volume of Dutch annual greenhouse gas emissions, or have them limited, so that this volume will have reduced by at least 25% at the end of 2020 compared to the level of the year 1990, as claimed by Urgenda , in so far as acting on its own behalf ; ...

Nytt innlegg: "Et offensivt og sammenhengende grønt diplomati for Norge" (for Norsk Klimastiftelse)

SpørsmĂ¥let var: Hvordan bør Norge bidra til det globale grønne skiftet? Mitt svar: " Norge bør utvikle en offensiv diplomatisk strategi for det grønne skiftet – i samsvar med en klar og sammenhengende utenrikspolitikk innen miljø, petroleum og energi. ... " Les hele mitt svar i form av en artikkel i rapporten «Slik kan Norge gjøre en forskjell» , gitt ut av Norsk Klimastiftelse i juni 2015. Les resten av innlegget HER .

New chronicle: "For an ambitious and coherent green diplomacy in Norway"

The question was : How shall Norway contribute to global energy transition ? My answer : " Norway should develop an ambitious diplomatic strategy for the energy transition - in accordance with a clear and coherent foreign policy within environmental protection , petroleum and energy . ... " Read my full  answer in the form of an article in the report " How can Norway make a difference" , which was released by the Norwegian Climate Foundation in June 2015 . Read the rest of my post HERE . (in Norwegian) If you are interested in a translation, please send me an e-mail.