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Showing posts from May, 2016

"New Uses and Abuses of the Seabed - Legal Challenges", Open seminar, Oslo Faculty of Law, 3 June 2016

The seabed is an area of huge interest for national states and commercial companies, both within and beyond national jurisdiction. The uses of the seabed are already multiple, but, as technologies progress, access to the seabed is getting easier and new uses appear. Seabed uses encompass: oil and gas exploration and exploitation, mineral resources exploitation, waste disposal, carbon dioxide storage, laying of infrastructures including pipelines and cables, military uses, use of biological resources and ocean energy resources exploitation. Which regulatory regimes apply to the exploration and exploitation of seabed resources? Is the current legal framework under notably the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) appropriate enough to deal with those new use types? Are the arising risks of abuse, conflict and pollution sufficiently taken into account and dealt with? The seminar will present current research efforts to answer those questions. Website of t...

Presentation: exploitation of marine resources, legal framework, 2016 Ocean Week, NTNU, Trondheim

The ocean space  is increasingly attracting interests, and the parameters of a new blue economy are progressively defined. Based on this revived interest in the exploitation of marine resources, I had the pleasure to present some views during the 2016 Ocean Week organised on 9-12 May Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. by the My presentation had as title: "The exploitation of marine resources: legal framework, emerging issues." Website of the conference: Picture: (c) NTNU, Ocean Week