The Florence School of Regulation (European University Institute, Florence, Italy) is organising from 20 to 24 June 2011 a Summer School in EU Energy Law & Policy. The programme is designed to develop a sound knowledge of recent developments in EU energy law for staff of energy regulatory authorities, international organisations, utilities and law firms. The course will be provided by prominent academics, practitioners, former and current regulators or official of the European Commission. Audience limited to 40 participants!
- Day 1: EU energy law under the Lisbon treaty - Market coupling and internal market- Public law, private law and economic perspectives.
- Day 2: Institutional Developments in energy - Boundaries between Competition and Regulatory Law - Boundaries between competition and sector specific regulation - ACER, ENTSOs & potential legal problems
- Day 3: National experiences with the implementation of the third package - The infrastructure package and the new gas security of supply regulation
- Day 4: EU antitrust and state aid law
- Day 5: EU renewbale energy and climate law - EU Renewable energy package - smart grid and distributed generation - The EU ETS
Website of the Summer School.
Full programme available HERE.
For those interested, I will see you on the morning of Day 5!