The law proposal on energy transition for green growth is currently going through the legislative procedure in France. While the lower house of the parliament,
the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale), voted on the text on 14 October, the upper house,
the Senate, will discuss the text starting on 9 February 2015. The debate in plenary session will follow the debates in committees, which will take place during the week of 19 January (Committee for Economic affairs and Committee for Sustainable Development). Committees will already hold a hearing with the minister in charge on
26 November 2014. The French Ministry of Ecology and Energy has confirmed now the date, during a press meeting on the 2014 Environmental Conference.
Once adopted, the new law is tabled to enter into force in late 2015.
For a review of the provisions of the law proposal, I refer to my
article published by
Energy and Climate webmagazine here (in Norwegian).
Dossier de presse,
Organisation et enjeux de la Conférence Environnementale 2014, 24 November 2014.