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Showing posts from July, 2012

Detailed List of Permitted Generation Plants under the Green Certificates Scheme (Norway)

The Norwegian Energy Regulatory (NVE)  released today a "dynamic list" of the generation plants which have applied for a permit to obtain green certificates (elsertifikater) under the national scheme. As of 23 July 2012: - 62 plants have been authorised (61 hydropower plants for a total of 71,20 MW, and 1 windpark for å generation capacity of 1,60 MW = 72,80 MW); - 3 plants have seen their application rejected (3 hydropower plants for a total capacity of 4,50 MW). There are still many applications which remain to be examined by NVE in addition to these plants (NVE mentionned 140 in June), the majority of which concerns hydropower and one bioenergy project.

NVE Publiserer sin Liste over Godkjente og Avslåtte Søknader under Elsertifikatordningen

Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE)  har publisert en liste over de anleggene som sendte en søknad under elsertifikatordingen og som fikk den behandlet. Den såkalte "dynamiske listen" (tilgjengelig her ) viser at, per 23. juli 2012: - 62 anlegg har blitt godkjent (61 vannkraft tilsvarende 71,20 MW, 1 vindkraft på 1,60 MW = 72,80 MW) - 3 anlegg  har blitt  avslått  (3 vannkraft tilsvarende 4,50 MW) Det er fremdeles mange søknader som er under behandling hos NVE i tillegg til disse anleggene ( 140 i juni 2012 i følge NVE), de fleste gjelder vannkraftverk og ett biokraftverk.

Rett til Elsertifkater for Økt Vannkraftproduksjon: NVE Beskriver sin Beregningsmetode

Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE) har publisert et notat datert 27. juni 2012  som beskriver momentene  som NVE skal basere seg på for å beregne økt kraftproduksjon fra vannkraftverk ved tildeling av elsertifikater til utbyggere .  Oppgradering av vannkraft - NVE påpeker at oppgradering av vannkraft kan være nødvendig for å  redusere falltap i vannveger, bedre virkningsgrader, tilføre mer vann til produksjonen ved å øke slukevnen i systemet, øke magasinkapasitet, øke fallhøyden, tilføre nytt vann fra nabovassdrag. Hjemmel - Etter  Forskritften for elsertifkater §11  kan en økning av kraftverkproduksjon gi rett til elsertifikater  på visse vilkår. §11 gjelder alle eksisterende produksjonsanlegg, mens notatet fra NVE fokuserer på vannkraftverk, dvs. de som blir mest aktuelt å søke i første omgang. §11 lyder som følger: " Varig økning i produksjonsevne som følge av investeringer i eksisterende produksjonsanlegg gir rett til elsert...

Verification, Monitoring and Reporting Rules for GHG Emissions under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Phase III are Published

Two important regulations for the operators of installations and aircrafts covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) dated 12.7.2012: -  Commission Regulation (EU) No 600/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the verification of greenhouse gas emissions reports and tonne-kilometre reports and the accreditation of verifiers pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJEU L 181  of 12.7.2012, p.1); -  Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the monitoring of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJEU L 181 12.7.2012, p.30). These two regulations define the rules that the operators shall follow for the verification of emissions, monitoring and reporting reports under Phase III of the EU ETS (2013-2020) . They repeal Decision 2007/589/EC , except for emissions and activity data covering activities prior to 1 January 2013. In that case, pr...

The Norwegian Energy Regulator publishes its Annual Report 2011

The Report, which is in English, is available electronically here . The Report reviews the regulation of the national electricity market, the networks, tariffs, as well as the power situation and market in 2011, the market for district heating and the state of play of international cooperation.

2nd Quarter 2012: Norway has never exported so much electricity since 2000

The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), which is the Norwegian Energy Regulator, has just published the data for the second quarter of 2012 in terms of export of electricity from the country. The conclusions for the covered period are as follows: - power generation was high , but lower that normal. Hydropower producers have used their capacity in advance of the awaited smelting of winter snow, which they must have space for; - a relatively warm weather entailed a reduced level of consumption ; - net export of electricity from Norway was 5.2 TWh, the highest recorded since 2000 ; - during the same period in 2011, Norway imported 0.6 TWh ; - electricity prices remained relatively low : around 20 øre/kWh in South Norway; 22 øre/kWh in Mid-Norway; 21 øre/kWh in North-Norway; References: NVE website and press release (in Norwegian) and quarter reports .