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Signature of the Arctic border Agreement between Norway and Russia

The governments of Norway and Russia have announced on 6 September that the historical agreement on the territorial delimitation of jurisdiction between the two countries in the Barents Sea and the Polar Sea will be signed on 15 September 2010 in Murmansk. The prime minister of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg, and the president of the Russian federation, Dmitrij Medvedjev, will be present for the signature undergone by their ministers for foreign affairs.

The process for negotiation has been suprisingly rapid compared to the numerous years of jurisdictionnal dispute for the area. Many interests have been pushing for a rapid agreement, including cooperation for the exploitation of fishing resources and the management of petroleum resources. Those two areas of cooperation will give rise to two separate international treaties, which will clarify cooperation and responsibilities in the exploitation of shared deposits in particular. The area in question equals to 176.000 km2, and will be shared approximately equally.
More than an end point, the international agreement constitutes the starting point for the expansion of economic activities in the area. This will require close cooperation and precaution for the best and most environmental friendly exploitation of the local resources. The two countries have been cooperating since 1988 on the careful management on the region, including on aspects related to: environmental protection, prevention of environmental pollution including waste pollution, nuclear safety, and climate change (see Norwegian Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Cooperation between Norway and Russia; NORUEC website). Norway has also been working ahead with a Integrated Management Plan for the Marine Resources of the Barents Sea since 2006.

The text of the agreement will be shortly after the signature presented to the two national parliamentary assemblies for ratification.


