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EP Resolution on EU Competition Report 2009: Energy Related Issues

The European Parliament (EP) adopted yesterday, 20 January, a resolution on the Commission's Report on Competition Policy in 2009.
After recalling that competition in the energy sector is still imperfect, the EP made the following "remarks" on the Commission's competition actions in that field:

  • "45. Urges the Commission to examine the extent to which a too generous allocation of free EUA (European Union Allowances) permits in certain sectors may distort competition, given that these permits, whose efficiency has diminished since the slowdown of economic activity, have generated windfall profits for certain companies while reducing their incentives to play their part in the transition to an eco-efficient economy;
  • 46. Underlines that State aid should be channelled primarily into promoting common-interest projects within the Union, such as the deployment of ... energy infrastructures;
  • 72. Regrets that energy consumers in the EU continue to suffer from a distorted energy market; stresses that effective competition in energy markets leads to greater innovation, a more secure and more affordable energy supply and less environmentl impact; observes that persistent obstacles in the energy sector include insufficient interconnection, lack of transparency in the transmission system through which operates allocate power to producers, and different definitions of service recipient categories among Member States;
  • 73. Invites the Commission to monitor closely the implementation of the third energy liberalisation package by Member States and to assess its effectiveness in creating a functioning internal market; encourages the Commission to initiate a further inquiry into the energy sector if the assessment comes to a negative conclusion;"
Another point made by the EP of interest for the energy sector is the call to "carefully inspect fiscal State aid regimes in force in certain Member States to check their non-discriminatory and transparent nature" (41). Along the same line of thinking, the EP calls the Commission to "re-establish and enhance its fiscal State aid unit" (42).

Reference: European Parliament Resolution of 20 January 2011 on the Report on Competition Policy 2009, plenary session, P7_TA(2011)0023.
