This allows me to mention that tomorrow, 29 March 2011, is the deadline for submission of responses to the public consultation conducted by the European Commission on the Preparation of a report on additional sustainability measures at EU level for solid and gaseous biomass used in electricity, heating and cooling. Consultation page here. The consultation does not relate to biofuels and bioliquids, but to other energy uses of biomass. It focuses on the necessity to adopt additional sustainability criteria, following the entry into force of Directive 2009/28/EC and the adoption in February 2010 of a Commission's report on sustainability requirements for the use of solid and gaseous biomass sources in electricity, heating and cooling (COM(2010)11).
I also take the opportunity to remind one of my earlier publication on European bioenergy regulation: C. Banet, "Bioenergy as integration of sustainable development principle in energy policy: the particular case of EC biomass regulation," Chapter 4.4, in Bugge and Voigt (eds.), Sustainable Development in National and International Law - What did the Brundtland Report do to Legal Thinking and Development, (Europa Law Publishing, 2008), pp. 443-473.