On 4 March 2011, the Norwegian government adopted a report to the national parliament (Stortinget) on the full-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. The report (Stortingsmelding nr.9 (2010-2011), available in Norwegian HERE), is both an assessment and a roadmap. It presents the efforts at national and international level up to now. At national level, it reviews in details the status of the Mongstad technology centre and the way towards full scale deployment (Chapter 3). Chapter 4 of the report reviews aspects related to transport and storage of CO2. It insists on the Norwegian state's responsibility for transport and storage from Mongstad. The involvement of Gassco, Gassnova and Statoil are also reviewed in that context. Chapter 5 looks at the state-of-play of the technology, knowledge and competences. The end of the report is dedicated to international experiences, both in terms of international cooperation and national experiences, and to the economic and administrative consequences of CCS projects. The report is mostly a policy document with few legal issues examined, but it gives an up-to-date analysis of the Norwegian policy and its achievements so far.
- press release, Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, 04.03.2011.
Summary in English, HERE.